View Profile Viper7070

25 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Nice, Energetic and Epic

Sounds like it'd be good in a fight scene. Really awesome melodies in here, easy to tell they weren't just thrown together in 10 mins and that you really put a lot of effort into them. Sounds kind of like an apocalypse "end of the world" type song as well, I tend to like those type of songs. Nice stuff.

Thattixx responds:

Thanks man! I'm glad you noticed the hard work I put into this song, and I appreciate that :)

Deep, I like it

I really like the way the melody creeps in at the beginning, it's soothing. The name of the song just totally fits the way it feels, lol, dunno what else to say. Nice mix that gets you thinking..

Rave4Yourself responds:

lol, thanks.

it gets you thinking? niiiice.


Nice, name really fits this actually

I really like the breakup of the melody and how it's not constant, and just the flow of it. I dunno, it's just awesome, nice job on it.

m4ster responds:

thnx dude. Was my most popular song a while ago

Really like it but..

Do you think you'll ever expand on it and make it it's own song instead of a loop? it'd be pretty sweet

Rave4Yourself responds:

"Do you think you'll ever expand on it"

ya but believe it or not, its got a very confusing structure, but i'll try it.

dang I know I've heard that tune somewhere before

is that off zeldas shadow temple or somethin? sounds really familiar and now its buggin the hell outta me. Anyway, thats pretty good for only an hour of work man, keep it up.

DJ-SkiLLz responds:

no its not off zelda man just made it off the top off my head one night

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